for Museum and Library Service Finalist


National Small Business Week returns in May!

National Small Business Week recognizes the critical contributions of America’s entrepreneurs and small business owners.  This year's National Small Business Week celebrates the resiliency and tenacity of America’s entrepreneurs who are doing their part to power our nation’s historic economic comeback. 

Attend a free virtual summit May 2-5. The theme of this year's summit is Building a Better America Through Entrepreneurship.

Learn more and see the agenda

My Networking Central

Create a free account to search for meetings, events and speakers to advance your business and career development, or list your own events and speaking engagements.

This site fills multiple needs:

-Connects job seekers with job search groups and career development opportunities

-Provides employers with individuals seeking work

-Establishes a place for public libraries and business, economic, and workforce development groups to post their events and meetings



My Networking Central

Create a free account to find networking groups and events.  Job seekers can connect with job search groups and career development opportunities. Businesses, libraries, economic and workforce development groups may post their events and meetings.

SCORE: The 5 C's of Credit (Zoom)

Please register with SCORE in advance for this program.  Click on Join Event Online. This event is held on Zoom.

Description: Understanding your business credit and maintaining it well is essential to running a successful business. Good business credit helps you secure financing for your business. 

Join us to learn about how addressing The Five C’s of Credit can improve your business plan. Know what lenders look for when you apply for financing and the SBA resources that will help you get there.



Learn Computer Skills at Home (drop-in event).

Join us for an in-person drop-in event. Stop by 11 am and 2 pm to learn about new offerings in tech classes at EBPL. 

EBPL Tech trainer will be distributing information about how to access high-quality tech training classes from home. Stop by to ask questions about these useful resources.


Behind the Information Desk.

Any questions contact Tech Trainer at ybombardiere@ebpl.org or call 732-390-6767 to leave a message. 




The #1 job site, Indeed give job seekers free access to search for jobs, post resumes, and research companies.