for Museum and Library Service Finalist


Hurricane Ida

Relief is available from FEMA, NJEDA and SBA for businesses impacted by Hurricane Ida.

FEMA representatives will meet with residents and business owners seeking information and assistance from damages associated with the remnants of Hurricane IDA. On Friday, September 24, 2021, FEMA will see residents between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. at the Community Arts Center, 721 Cranbury Road, East Brunswick NJ.                                                                                                       

Intro to Google Drive

Intro to Google Drive  

This class will show participants how the basics of Google Drive. One of the most popular applications in at work and home.

With Google Drive, you can open your files from your computer’s Drive folder on the desktop or from your browser. Files you create with Google Docs open in your browser or mobile app. Other files in your Drive folder will open in their regular applications (like Adobe Reader for PDF files) on your computer.

National Small Business Week Returns with a Virtual Summit

The U.S. Small Business Administration has announced its 2021 National Small Business Week Virtual Summit for September 13-15, 2021. This year’s events will spotlight the resilience of America’s entrepreneurs and the renewal of the small business economy as they build back better from the economic crisis brought on by a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic. The virtual summit will honor the nation’s 30 million small businesses for their perseverance, ingenuity, triumphs, and creativity.   

SCORE: Non-Profit Setup Basics

Please register with SCORE in advance for this program.  Click on Join Event.

A non-profit is a business where for-profit business principles apply for it to be able to perpetuate and sustain itself.  Whether you want to start a small, big or larger non-profit many of the practices and processes are similar no matter the size of your entity. This webinar provides the basics of starting a non-profit entity. 

We will discuss: