Nintendo Switch Playtime
Play Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and more.
Grades 1 and up
for Museum and Library Service Finalist
Play Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and more.
Grades 1 and up
Use one of our patterns or pick one from our old library books..
Grades 1 and up.
Play Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and more.
Grades 1 and up
Listen to a story or two and conduct an experiment related to something that you learned in storytime! This month is plants.
Ages 3 and up
Drop in for some fun. Listen to music and build and play with the Library's DUPLOS.
Ages 2-5 with an adult.
Stories and songs for children ages 2 & up with an adult.
This lively team of RU Pharmacy Doctoral students returns for their annual visit to EBPL to play games that teach families about poison prevention and medication safety. Dr Pooja Shah will answer all your questions about over-the-counter and prescription medications.
Mother Goose Magic Storytime
Nursery rhyme program for children from 0-24 months accompanied by an adult. For information, call Youth Services at (732) 390-6789.
Ages 2 and up
Sponosred by Mobile Family Success Center
Join us for stories and a craft.
Ages 2 and up. Limited tickets