for Museum and Library Service Finalist



Join Insectropolis as they present their bugs on the go program!

A unique, memorable and educational program where participants will learn about this often misunderstood tiny animals.

There will be live animals! Please join us in learning about these cool creatures.

Ages 4 and up

There are four different sessions of the same presentation available. 

Please register online

The MoleCOOL Scientist: Extract DNA from a Strawberry (Zoom)

Teen Volunteer Shreya D. will show you how to extract DNA from a strawberry! Shreya will go through the process and give you the instructions to try on your own later! This is an informational program and you are not expected to follow along. 

This program is designed for kids in grades 4th through 6th, but all are welcome to attend.

Please register in advance by clicking "Join Event" to receive the Zoom login information so you have it before the program starts! Details will be re-sent to all registrants a half an hour prior to program start.

Teen Red Cross Club Meeting

This club offers teens a great way to bring important aspects of health and medical care to their own community. Members will be able to help organize, plan, coordinate, and conduct fun programs which will engage everyone in our community. Volunteers will be able to work with people of different age groups and learn new information about health and Red Cross. 

Any Questions? Please email us at ebplredcross@gmail.com


Reference Solutions

A one-stop database for targeting companies based on geography, line of business, size, and sales volume. Contains detailed information on nearly 12 million U.S. businesses with addresses, key executives, and websites. Build your own custom list of companies for business prospecting or job hunting.  Company listings include job openings.

Spring into Self-Care! Mindfulness & More

Wednesday, March 5, 5:00-6:00 PM

Join the staff of NJ4S to create your own self-care flower and fortune teller!  All supplies are provided and light snacks will be served.

For families with kids in kindergarten and up.

NJ4S is a prevention program that supports youth mental wellness and can connect students and their parents/caregivers with other community resources beneficial to social, emotional, and mental health and well-being, including clinical and non-clinical resources.

Honoring Her Strength: Celebrating the Powerful Women in Our Lives

Wednesday, March 19, 5:00-6:00 PM

Join NJ4S Middlesex and celebrate the amazing women who inspire you!  In recognition of Women's History Month, we'll highlight a powerful woman in your life and share why she's made an impact.  Whether it's a mentor, a friend, or a role model, let's come together to honor the strength, resilience, and everything else women do to make the world a better place.  Freebies, activities, and resources will be provided.

Crochet for Charity

Thursday, March 27, 5-6:30pm

Join teen volunteer Sahana to learn a fun crochet bunny pattern! We will be collecting finished bunnies to donate to local food banks to hand out to children in April.

Some experience with basic crochet skills recommended (magic ring, single crochet, increase, decrease). Please bring your own crochet hooks. Yarn and stuffing will be provided.

Registration recommended, but some walk-ins may be accepted dependent on space.