for Museum and Library Service Finalist


Operation Bunny

At the age of nine, Emily Vole, a foundling raised to be housemaid and nanny for a wealthy couple, inherits a shop and discovers a magical world where, with the help of Fidget the talking cat, she must try to save fairies being targeted by a terrible witch.

Eerie Elementary series

Eerie Elementary is one scary school! Even though the series is set in a school, it's the problem-solving moments that provide the real education. Sam, Antonio, and Lucy have to overcome their fear and find ways to solve some scary situations, and they rely on logic, intuition, and straight-up determination to get it done.

The Jigsaw Jones series

The Jigsaw Jones Mysteries is an American series of young children's detective fiction. Solving mysteries is elementary for grade-school sleuth Theodore “Jigsaw” Jones and his best friend/fellow detective Mila Yeh as they investigate missing bicycles, smelly sneakers, and even ghosts and mummies in James Preller's wonderful Jigsaw Jones Mysteries for young readers.

A Forgery of Roses

Myra Whitlock has a gift. One many would kill for.

She’s an artist whose portraits alter people’s real-life bodies, a talent she must hide from those who would kidnap, blackmail, and worse in order to control it. Guarding that secret is the only way to keep her younger sister safe now that their parents are gone.

But one frigid night, the governor’s wife discovers the truth and threatens to expose Myra if she does not complete a special portrait that would resurrect the governor's dead son. Desperate, Myra ventures to his legendary stone mansion.