EB Create Recording Studio

The EB Create recording studio has everything you need to record your very own podcast, song, or narration for your film. The studio offers a Mac Mini loaded with the full lineup of Adobe CS6 software, as well as Final Cut Pro X and Garageband. Take advantage of the Apogee duet interface which allows you to record from two analog microphones or plug in your personal instruments and track directly into software such as Garageband. An Akai Professional MPK mini MIDI keyboard also gives you the freedom to record virtual instruments to unleash your creativity. Visit the recording studio during any of EB Create's Open Hours or email ebcreate@ebpl.org.
Equipment list
-Mac Mini
-Apogee Duet Audio Interface 2x4
-Two Shure SM-58 Microphones
- Akai Professional MPK mini MIDI keyboard