EBHS Code Club will bring several tech EBPL's virtual space via Zoom throughout the day on Saturday, December 19th.
These programs are for children and teens of all ages and skill levels. Check each session's level of difficulty and use this guide: Level 1 => Complete Beginner / Level 2 => Some, but little, experience / Level 3 => Moderate Understanding.
There are simultaneous sessions, so choose the ones that are best for you!
Morning Sessions:
10:00 AM to 10:30 AM | Be Internet Awesome: Learn how to protect your online identity. [Level 1]
10:00 AM to 11:05 AM | Beginning HTML: Design your own personal website using HTML and CSS. [Level 2]
10:00 AM to 10:30 AM | Jeopardy -- Computer Science Edition, Session 1: Test your knowledge in computer science topics. [Level 2]
10:35 AM to 11:05 AM | Intro to Graphics: Create unique graphics out of simple 2D shapes. [Level 1]
10:35 AM to 11:05 AM | Jeopardy -- Computer Science Edition, Session 2: Test your knowledge in computer science topics. [Level 2]
11:10 AM to 11:40 PM | Java Debugging Competition: Challenge your code debugging skills: Among Us edition. [Level 3]
11:10 AM to 11:40 PM | Code Bytes: Use block-based coding to go on a Minecraft or Star Wars adventure. [Level 1]
Afternoon Sessions:
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM | Machine Learning: Voice Recognition: Use your voice to create a teachable machine. [Level 2]
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM | Videogame AI with NEAT: Create an AI that learns how to play video games. [Level 3]
3:05 PM to 4:05 PM | 3D Printing: Learn how to model and use a 3D printer. [Level 2]
3:05 PM to 4:20 PM | Java Programming Competiton: Put your competitive programming to the test against others. [Level 3]
Direct any questions to teens@ebpl.org.