for Museum and Library Service Finalist


Reference Solutions

A one-stop database for targeting companies based on geography, line of business, size, and sales volume. Contains detailed information on nearly 12 million U.S. businesses with addresses, key executives, and websites. Build your own custom list of companies for business prospecting or job hunting.  Company listings include job openings.

Six Pillars of Brain Health

It’s never too late to focus on your brain health! In this interactive session you will learn about the six pillars of brain health, activities that support brain health, and hopefully be inspired by others. 

Our guest speaker, Roberta Popik from the AARP Speakers Bureau, will provide important information on the latest research on brain health as well as lifestyle suggestions on how to take care of your brain as you age.  

Intro to American Mah Jongg Part 2

Registration opens July 16 online.

Learn the basics to play American Mah Jongg during this two-part workshop for adults.

You must be able to attend both dates to register:

  • Wednesday, August 6, 7:00pm
  • Wednesday, August 13, 7:00pm

Jodi Harkavy is a substitute teacher in East Brunswick. She has played Mah Jongg for over 30 years and has previously taught it to members of her temple and East Brunswick Recreation & Parks.

Intro to American Mah Jongg Part 1

Registration opens July 16 online.

Learn the basics to play American Mah Jongg during this two-part workshop for adults.

You must be able to attend both dates to register:

  • Wednesday, August 6, 7:00pm
  • Wednesday, August 13, 7:00pm

Jodi Harkavy is a substitute teacher in East Brunswick. She has played Mah Jongg for over 30 years and has previously taught it to members of her temple and East Brunswick Recreation & Parks.

Learn about NJ's Lead Remediation & Abatement Program

Meet with staff from Garden State Home in the library's lobby to learn about the dangers of lead poisoning and find out if your home may be eligible for free testing and treatment under the New Jersey Lead Remediation and Abatement Program (LRAP).

Lead-based paint hazards exist in most homes built prior to 1978 and can be especially harmful to children and pregnant women. 

Learn about NJ's Lead Remediation & Abatement Program

Meet with staff from Garden State Home in the library's lobby to learn about the dangers of lead poisoning and find out if your home may be eligible for free testing and treatment under the New Jersey Lead Remediation and Abatement Program (LRAP).

Lead-based paint hazards exist in most homes built prior to 1978 and can be especially harmful to children and pregnant women.