Intro to Web Design
for Museum and Library Service Finalist
Intro to Web Design
Learn the basics of the image editing software Photoshop and Pixlr E: Learn how to use layer masks to make only certain parts of a layer visible.
Learn how to do more with layers, including opacity, blending modes, and photo adjustments (Hue, Levels, Brightness, FIlters). Click on "Join Event" orange button to learn more and register.
Learn tasks such as how to work with brushes and use layers.
Book Chat: Biographies (Facebook)
Need some recommendations for new things to read? Join us on Facebook on Thursday, May 28 from 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm for a book chat! We’ll be giving suggestions on our favorite biographies that you can download with your library card, and we’d love to hear about some of your favorites as well!
Whether your pain is acute or a chronic issue, you are not alone. Dr. Zach Theinert, DPT of ProFysio Physical Therapy will discuss:
Learn the difference between Dementia and Alzheimer's and ways to reduce your risk of Alzheimer's.
Join us with your crafting project for a productive (and social!) hour with other Crafters! For ages 18 and older.
This event will be held on the Zoom platform. Please make sure you have the application installed on your computer, iOS, or Android device.
Please plan to join the meeting 10 minutes prior to the program so your device has time to connect.
Book Chat: Short Stories (Facebook)
Need some recommendations for new things to read? Join us on Facebook on Thursday, May 21 from 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm for a book chat! We’ll be giving suggestions on our favorite short story titles that you can download with your library card, and we’d love to hear about some of your favorites as well!