for Museum and Library Service Finalist


Option Green: The Sky by Day and By Night: an introduction to the heavens(Zoom)

Jim Peck has been an amateur astronomer since the age of 10 when he watched the first ever man made satellite, the Russian Sputnik 1, travel across the night sky in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1957.

Jim will lead a virtual program called The Sky By Day and By Night which will cover such topics as the moon, planets, stars and constellations, deep sky objects, artificial satellites, and the sun’s path across the sky. The intended audience is anyone with a keen interest in the sky and will appeal to adults and science oriented kids over the age of 12.

Outdoor Voter Registration

Join us next Tuesday the 22nd at our outdoor library tent for Outdoor Voter Registration from 12:30-5:30.

Come grab a paper voter registration form, use our online voter registration kiosk, learn how to track your mail-in ballot, and more!

Please wear a mask and observe social distancing when approaching the tent.