for Museum and Library Service Finalist


Free Tech Help!

Free Tech Help from the Geek League!

Come get free tech help from our talented and patient teen tech coaches! If you have a device that you need help with (a cell phone, eReader, laptop), just bring it with you. We also offer help with basic computer functions and programs. You'll find the Geek League in a group study room near the computer lab.

Free Tech Help!

Free Tech Help from the Geek League!

Come get free tech help from our talented and patient teen tech coaches! If you have a device that you need help with (a cell phone, eReader, laptop), just bring it with you. We also offer help with basic computer functions and programs. You'll find the Geek League in a group study room near the computer lab.

POSTPONED - Book Discussion Group

Book Discussion Group

This month we will be reading Dear Mrs. Bird by A.J. Pearce. 

Emmeline Lake and her best friend Bunty are doing their bit for the war effort and trying to stay cheerful, despite the German planes making their nightly raids. Emmy dreams of becoming a Lady War Correspondent, and when she spots a job advertisement in the newspaper she seizes her chance; but after a rather unfortunate misunderstanding, she finds herself typing letters for the formidable Henrietta Bird, renowned advice columnist of Woman’s Friend magazine. 

POSTPONED - Voiceover Workshop

Voiceover Workshop with Dennis Connors

In this two hour workshop, attendees can expect to learn what a career in voice over looks like, including insights on the business, instruction on the fundamentals of voice and guided practice in the three main avenues of voice over work.

REGISTRATION REQUIRED for adults. Limited tickets for grades 10-12.

Google Apps IV

Google Slides

Google Apps IV

Learn how to create visually appealing digital slideshows using Google Slides, Google’s online presentation program. Learn how to design simple graphics and diagrams using Google Drawings. .


A Google account and Google Apps III or equivalent experience (see course descriptions).


  • LMxAC Cardholders -- $10 per class.
  • Non-LMxAC cardholders -- $15.00 per class.



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POSTPONED - Book Discussion Group

Book Discussion Group

This month we will be reading Dear Mrs. Bird by A.J. Pearce. 

Emmeline Lake and her best friend Bunty are doing their bit for the war effort and trying to stay cheerful, despite the German planes making their nightly raids. Emmy dreams of becoming a Lady War Correspondent, and when she spots a job advertisement in the newspaper she seizes her chance; but after a rather unfortunate misunderstanding, she finds herself typing letters for the formidable Henrietta Bird, renowned advice columnist of Woman’s Friend magazine.