Make a Button
Use an old library book to make your own button.
Grades K and up
for Museum and Library Service Finalist
Use an old library book to make your own button.
Grades K and up
Colorful animals parade across the pages of this delightful book.
Build with our Legos, Straws and Connectors, and Duplos.
Grades K and up
Bake treats and hear stories.
Grades 1 and up.
All ages are welcome to view the amazing LEGO creations of AC Pinlac
Decorate a hat as creatively as you want!
Ages 4 and up
Sponsored by Middlesex County Family Success Center
Watch performances and play in game booths.
All ages
This storytime combines interactive apps, ebooks, and traditional stories.
Ages 2 and up
Celebrate like the stars with our Oscar party. We will have our green screen out starting at 2 PM for your family to take their red carpet pictures. At 2:30 PM we will be showing an Oscar nominated movie. Light snacks will be served.
All ages welcome.
Drop by the library anytime between 11 AM and 7 PM to make a beautiful valentine.
All ages.