for Museum and Library Service Finalist


Meditation for Beginners

Attain health, clarity, and joy. In this one-hour session you will learn Isha Kriya, a simple 12-18 minute practice, to help you to become meditative effortlessly.

Isha Kriya does not require any previous experience with meditation and can be done sitting in a chair.

This practice was designed by Sadhguru, a realized yogi and a foremost authority in the field of yoga.

This session is brought to you by the Isha Foundation, an international non-profit aimed to bring well-being to everyone through yoga and meditation.

For ages 12 and older.

How to Be a Super Friend

Learn about appreciating everyone's differences and how to be a friend to someone with a disability.  Robert Wood Johnson Medical School students will read a story, lead activities, and every child will make a craft to bring home!  This session we will focus on limb disabilities and the use of prosthetics and wheelchairs.

For children in Kindergarten and up.

I'm Not Reading!

Baby Owl is all set to read a book to his favorite stuffed animal, Owly, when along comes Tiny Chick who would also like to listen to a story.  Baby Owl explains that he's not reading if Tiny Chick doesn't sit nicely to listen and just as he promises to do so, his classmates, cousins, and friends appear.  Before he knows it, so many chicks are sitting on Baby Owl's lap that he is getting squashed!  He is NOT reading like that!

Tissue, Please!

Frog and his friends can't stop sniffling, snuffling, schnorrrrkling, and wiping their noses on their arms!  Ewwww!!!  Thankfully, their grown-ups teach them to use tissues and they are amazed at how well it works.  In fact, they even incorporate using tissues into their dance routine and knock out the audience with their inspiring moves!

Horrible Bear!

When Bear rolls over in his sleep and unintentionally breaks the girl's kite, the girl is furious!  "Horrible bear!" she screams, and storms off down the mountain.  Bear is certain he isn't horrible, but he's so upset by having been woken up in his own cave by this ruckus that he gets a horrible bear idea.

This book is a great starter for talking about feelings and perspectives.

Fiona's Little Lie

Tomorrow is Felix's birthday, and his best friend Fiona volunteers to be his Birthday Elf and bring cupcakes to school to celebrate.  The only problem is that after she makes this offer, she promptly forgets about it and it doesn't cross her mind again until she sees Felix, on his birthday, in his new birthday outfit, at school.  Oh no!!!  Fiona fibs to avoid hurting Felix's feelings and embarrassing herself, but the falsehood quickly mushrooms into involving more characters and leads to more trouble.  

If You Give a Mouse a Brownie

If you give a mouse a brownie, he's going to ask for some ice cream to go with it.  And with that, the ever-obliging boy in this book caters to his rodent friend's every whim, with entertaining -- and predictable, if you know this series -- results.  If you liked this one at storytime, you can view the rest of the series in our library's catalog by clicking here.

Quiet, Wyatt!

Wyatt is rebuffed by everyone, everywhere he goes.  The big kids won't let him fly their plane, his sister won't let him help dry the car, and his dad won't let him fry an egg.  More than anything, Wyatt wants the puppy in the window of the pet shop, but his parents won't buy it.  After being told, "Quiet, Wyatt!" so many times, Wyatt decides to be quiet, and several inconsequential catastrophes befall his friends and family.  But when that puppy is in danger, Wyatt finds his voice -- and his elders notice just what he is capable of.