Tween Cooking:Cupcakes
Celebrate librarian Aaron's birthday by making homemade cupcakes.
Grades 4 and up
for Museum and Library Service Finalist
Celebrate librarian Aaron's birthday by making homemade cupcakes.
Grades 4 and up
Drop in for some fun. Listen to music and build and play with the Library's DUPLOS.
Ages 2-5 with an adult.
Build and program a robot with LEGO Mindstorms. Group will meet all month long.
Grades 3 and up.
Stories and songs for children ages 2 & up with an adult.
Learn to make your own balloon animals and make a few to take home.
Grades 3 and up
Ages 4 and up
Sponsored by Middlesex County Family Success Center
Play Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and more.
Grades K and up
Create a journal that you can use in the new year.
Grades 3 and up.
Build and program a robot with LEGO Mindstorms. Group will meet all month long.
Grades 3 and up.
Make your own sweet scented sachet.
Grades 2 and up