for Museum and Library Service Finalist


Cooking Chat (Zoom)

Frustrated with not finding ingredients at the store? Sick of cooking? Need some inspiration? Chat with some of our foodie library staff who can answer your questions, give substitutions, and recommendations on how to make tasty meals with limited ingredients.


This event will be held on the Zoom platform. Please make sure you have the application installed on your computer, iOS, or Android device.

3D Modeling with DICE club: Harry Potter Bookmarks

Have you ever wanted to learn how to design and print objects using a 3D printer? Now is the perfect time to learn. The library is launching a club for kids in grades 3-7 to do just that: the DICE Club! In the DICE Club, short for Design, Innovate, Create, Educate. In the DICE club, our amazing teen volunteer Aditya will teach children how to use the free online software Tinkercad to design their own 3D models that they can later print using the library's brand new 3D printer.