Cancelled: Astronomy Club
The East Brunswick Astronom Club is on hiatus for the month of August. See you in September!
for Museum and Library Service Finalist
The East Brunswick Astronom Club is on hiatus for the month of August. See you in September!
Come to our 2nd Annual Tween & Teen Super Smash Bros. Tournament on Saturday, August 10 at 1 PM.
Available to Grades 6 - 12. Registration Required.
*** Win BIG prizes!! ***
First, Second, and Third Place winners will have their choice of gift card:
Read books. Win prizes.
For teens going into grade 7-12 in September 2024.
Summer reading 2024 has officially launched! Starting now, you can sign up for the summer reading program at the Teen or Youth Services desk and start earning points towards awesome prizes like popular YA books, vinyl stickers, gel pens and highlighters, and a chance to win one of three grand prizes!
How does it work?
Use tiny stones to create your own diamond stickers! This program is for students entering grades 4+. Registration for this event is now full.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Super Smash Tournament on Saturday, June 22 has been postponed until further notice. Updates will be sent out later this week. Thank you for your patience.
Registration is now open for the YA Summer Book Club at EBPL! Vote on our July and August picks via registration form.
Available to Rising 9th Gr. +
4 Zoom Meetings, *Every Other Tuesday*
7/9 - 8/20
5-6 PM
Recieve 50 points towards Teen Summer Reading for every session you attend.
Happily Ever Afters meets You've Got Mail in this geeky, Black Girl Magic filled debut romance about cosplay and finding the courage to be yourself.
Ramona Lambert is a typical shy, artistic sixteen-year-old. She has a best friend whom she’s known since they were in diapers; parents who love her; a love for cosplay; and a crush on the cute boy in her class.
The only problem? Her best friend moved away; her parents don't quite understand her love of cosplay; and she is pretty sure her crush has no idea she exists.
Join the East Brunswick Arts Commission and the East Brunswick Public Library for the opportunity to sing in a choir for one day only. No auditions required!