Summer Chess Club open play (in person)
Chess tables will be set up for those who just want to play chess with other kids.
For any inquiries, please email Sally Leung , Youth Services Librarian.
for Museum and Library Service Finalist
Chess tables will be set up for those who just want to play chess with other kids.
For any inquiries, please email Sally Leung , Youth Services Librarian.
Learn how to use a computer and become PC Literate!
Topics in this class include:
Learn how to use a computer and become PC literate!
Topics covered in this class include:
Registration is required! Visit the informaition services desk at the library or call 732-390-6767.
Girls Who Code club for 3rd to 5th grade girls will be held with 7 Zoom meetings on Wednesdays @ 4:30 - 5:30p.m. from 9/13 to 10/25.
Scratch is block-based which is easy to learn and the projects are fun to spark the interest of coding. Kids will pick up the computer science concept through the projects.
Parents are encouraged to learn along with the kids.
If you are interested in joining the club, please fill out the registration form
Registration required. Click here to register.
Have you ever been interested in learning about the technology within computers and the internet? Join us for a series of classes explaining the magic that makes our devices and networks work. This learning opportunity is for adults and teens who are familiar with basic computer use but would like a more in depth look at computer technology. Ages 13 and over.
Registration required. Click here to register.
Have you ever been interested in learning about the technology within computers and the internet? Join us for a series of classes explaining the magic that makes our devices and networks work. This learning opportunity is for adults and teens who are familiar with basic computer use but would like a more in depth look at computer technology. Ages 13 and over.
Registration required. Click here to register.
Have you ever been interested in learning about the technology within computers and the internet? Join us for a series of classes explaining the magic that makes our devices and networks work. This learning opportunity is for adults and teens who are familiar with basic computer use but would like a more in depth look at computer technology. Ages 13 and over.
6 meetings will be held in YS programming room on Thur 5:30-6:30 pm from 6/22 to 7/27
It is targeted to those with no knowledge of chess. Registration required. (Registration is full as of 6/28)
Chess tables will also be set up for those who just want to play chess with other kids.
For any inquiries, please email Sally Leung , Youth Services Librarian.
3-day in-person Scratch coding in computer lab on July 12,13,14 at 2-3pm
For 3-5th gr.boys and girls who have no experience in Scratch coding.
Limited to 12.
Registration is open on July 1st. Please click this to register. The form will be closed once the registration and waitlist is full. Confirmation group email will be sent out by July 11.
If you have any question, please contact Sally Leung, Youth Services Librarian
STEM club:
Play with our various coding robots.
Aug 25 11-12 pm
YS programming room
Limited to 25 kids. Wil give out admission stamp 15 minutes before the program.