for Museum and Library Service Finalist

Computers & Technology

Intro to Spreadsheets with Excel (in-person)

The class is Full.

Update your Resume: learn Excel skills.

This course will empower participants with the fundamentals to take more advanced classes.

Topics: How to Enter Data, Open and Save Files, and Interface Review. 

Prerequisite: know how to use a computer keyboard, and use a computer mouse including left and right clicking and double-clicking. Proficient in using email and internet searches.  


Spring Girls Who Code Club for 6-12th gr. (Online)

An online Girls Who Code club for 6-12th grader will be held in January and February 2023

7 meetings on every Wednesday @ 4:30-5:30p.m. from Jan 11 to Feb 22

This is a continuation of Python in the fall. We will cover conditional and loops this spring.

If you are interested in joining the club , please fill out this form. 

For any inquiries, please email Sally Leung , Youth Services Librarian.

Getting Started with Computers - Northstar Lesson +18yo (in-person)

Do you feel like you need a refresher on how to use a computer? Come to this class.

Stop by EBPL Computer Training Room we will show you how to use this free resource to learn Computer Skills. Stop anytime between 12 pm and 2 pm. Stay until you feel comfortable using this resource on your own. 

Stop by the day of the event or Register here to get a reminder:  https://forms.gle/7gub83ZPb87eyc8Z7

Advanced Python grades 6-12

Grades 6-12 

December 27-30, 2022 from 1-3 pm

You must be able to attend all four classes.

Learn about lambda, recursion, and extensions to classes & functions.

Registration will open on 12/16.  Call 732-390-6789 to register.  Questions can be emailed to mmiller@ebpl.org.

You do not need to bring a laptop, unless you want to.  This class is in the computer lab and there are computers there to use.