I would recommend the novel, "WEREGIRL" by C. D. Bell for any fantasy-loving person. This book pulls you into the plot of the story and keeps you on the edge of your seat. This story is about a girl who lives in a small town and she is discovering the truth about what is going on with the "cancer study," as well as learning about herself and her role in this community.The mysterious aroma makes the book very interesting and the fact that the story is portrayed so realistically helps to connect with the main character, Nessa. I rate this book a 5 out of 5 because it was executed perfectly and it was very enjoyable

About This Book
On a nighttime run, high school junior and cross-country runner Nessa Kurland is badly bitten by a trapped wolf that she tries to free. Nessa's quick recovery is followed by improved running times and all her senses are heightened. She has transformed into a werewolf.