for Museum and Library Service Finalist



Come write with us!

Working on your novel? Just looking to get some advice on your creative writing?

Join us all month with Flora Kim for NANOWRIMO YWP.  We'll meet every Tuesday in November from 7pm-9pm in Group Study Room C.

Bring something to write with/on and a project to work on.  This will be a chance for some quiet, productive time to work on your creative writing projects.  Flora will be on hand to offer advice.

For teens, 13-19.

NANOWRIMO YWP is the National Novel Writing Month Young Writer's Program.

Teen Yoga

Yoga is more than doing poses. Yoga is the union of the body, mind, and spirit. Practicing yoga gives you strength in body, peace of mind, and a joyful spirit.

Teens today have a lot on their plates, with super competitive academics and sports, packed schedules, and parental pressure. 

Join the teen yoga class to chill out and get in tune with your body. This class focuses on breath work, stretching, relaxation and yes, some postures, such as standing poses, forward bends, balance poses, twists, and seated poses.

Bring your own mat or use one of ours!

EBPL Teen Red Cross Club Meeting

This club offers teens a great way to bring important aspects of health and medical care to their own community. Members will be able to help organize, plan, coordinate, and conduct fun programs which will engage everyone in our community. Volunteers will be able to work with people of different age groups and learn new information about health and Red Cross. 

We are open to all high school students who show interest in volunteering with us. We will allow eighth graders to join from Spring. 

Interactive Programming with Arduino

 A fun and interactive introduction to electronics and electronic components brought to you by Likeable STEM!

Learn about the software and hardware behind Arduino. Get hands-on programming experience with Arduino and create cool and interactive digital and robotic projects.

This is a two day workshop that will be held on both Saturday, December 14th and Sunday, December 15th from 1:30pm-3:30pm.

For grades 6 and up.

Interactive Programming with Arduino

 A fun and interactive introduction to electronics and electronic components brought to you by Likeable STEM!

Learn about the software and hardware behind Arduino. Get hands-on programming experience with Arduino and create cool and interactive digital and robotic projects.

This is a two day workshop that will be held on both Saturday, December 14th and Sunday, December 15th from 1:30pm-3:30pm.

For grades 6 and up.

Stitchery Circle

Bring your embroidery, needlepoint, cross stitch, or sewing project to this drop-in program! Help each other troubleshoot issues, take the time to work on that project you keep putting off, or get inspired to start a new project.

EBPL Teen Red Cross Club Meeting

This club offers teens a great way to bring important aspects of health and medical care to their own community. Members will be able to help organize, plan, coordinate, and conduct fun programs which will engage everyone in our community. Volunteers will be able to work with people of different age groups and learn new information about health and Red Cross. 

We are open to all high school students who show interest in volunteering with us. We will allow eighth graders to join from Spring. 

Color A Smile

Do a good deed by coloring a cheerful message for someone else. Through our partnership with Color-A-Smile, our pictures and messages will be sent across the country to people in need of a smile. This is a great opportunity for families to volunteer together. All agges welcome