for Museum and Library Service Finalist


The Legend of the Jersey Devil

In 1735, Mother Leeds was about to deliver her thirteenth child. Feeling tired and weary of the burden, she cursed the unborn child. According to the folklore, she gave birth to the devil’s child at their home in the Pine Barrens. Today, the tale of Jersey Devil is often discussed as just that – a tale. However, during the time of the fabled Jersey Devil’s reign of terror, South Jersey residents were truly frightened. How the accounts were reported on and the folklore that developed will be discussed during this session.

Teen Discussion Group

We're looking for teens who are interested in talking with other teens about current events and the issues of the day that impact us all.
This group will be shaped by what its members are interested in doing so please come with your ideas and an open mind!
​For teens 8th grade +

Teen Maker Monday - T-Shirt Tote Bags

Upcycle those old t-shirts! This is a great way to use last season's team t-shirts or a previous year's event t-shirts! Re-purpose an unwanted t-shirt today and easily turn the shirt into a re-usable tote bag. These t-shirt totes are strong and washable! Use for groceries, library books, tennis balls, gym clothes or pool supplies---use for anything you need to carry!

Bring your own t-shirt or use ours. We'll teach you the basics of using the sewing machine, how to sew a seam and create an awesome tote bag.

Did you know:

EBPL Teen Red Cross Club Meeting

This club offers teens a great way to bring important aspects of health and medical care to their own community. Members will be able to help organize, plan, coordinate, and conduct fun programs which will engage everyone in our community. Volunteers will be able to work with people of different age groups and learn new information about health and Red Cross. 

We are open to all high school students who show interest in volunteering with us. We will allow eighth graders to join from Spring. 

Open Art Studio

Come and check out our makerspace and art supplies! Create whatever you like with the supplies on hand. Bring your own project to work on or create something new!

For tweens, teens & adults.

Stitchery Circle

Bring your embroidery, needlepoint, cross stitch, or sewing project to this drop-in program! Help each other troubleshoot issues, take the time to work on that project you keep putting off, or get inspired to start a new project.

P.S. I Like You

Signed, sealed, delivered…

While spacing out in chemistry class, Lily scribbles some of her favorite song lyrics onto her desk. The next day, she finds that someone has continued the lyrics on the desk and added a message to her. Intrigue!

Israeli Dancing @ CAC

This event is being held at the Community Arts Center!

The Community Arts Center is located at 721 Cranbury Road, East Brunswick.

Vera Galleid has taught Israeli dancing to adults and children for many years. She will be teaching easy dances done to catchy Israeli music. You will learn circle, line and partner dances. Recommended for ages 8 and older.

Co-sponsored by the Friends of the Library and the East Brunswick Arts Commission.

Bachata Dance @ CAC

This event is being held at the Community Arts Center!

The Community Arts Center is located at 721 Cranbury Road, East Brunswick.

Bachata is a style of social dance from the Dominican which is now danced all over the world. The basic dance sequence consists of three steps and then a tap step. Some dancers accompany the tap with an exaggerated "pop” of the hips. Recommended for ages 18 and older.

Our instructors from with Ballroom Dream Dance Studio will be: