for Museum and Library Service Finalist


The First Part Last

Bobby's a classic urban teenager. He's restless. He's impulsive. But the thing that makes him different is this: He's going to be a father. His girlfriend, Nia, is pregnant, and their lives are about to change forever. Instead of spending time with friends, they'll be spending time with doctors, and next, diapers. They have options: keeping the baby, adoption. They want to do the right thing. 
If only it was clear what the right thing was.


After a classmate commits suicide, Kana Goldberg—a half-Japanese, half-Jewish American—wonders who is responsible. She and her cliquey friends said some thoughtless things to the girl. Hoping that Kana will reflect on her behavior, her parents pack her off to her mother's ancestral home in Japan for the summer. There Kana spends hours under the hot sun tending to her family's mikan orange groves.


Thirteen-year-old Butterball doesn’t have much going for him. He’s teased mercilessly about his weight. He hates the Long Island suburb his mom moved them to and wishes he still lived with his dad in the city. And now he’s stuck talking to a totally out-of-touch therapist named Liz. 

Stitchery Circle

Bring your embroidery, needlepoint, cross stitch, or sewing project to this drop-in program! Help each other troubleshoot issues, take the time to work on that project you keep putting off, or get inspired to start a new project.

Teen Action Group

Looking to volunteer at the library? Attend a TAG meeting to find out about all the volunteering opportunities for teens at the library. Have a say in the library's collection, help plan new programs and events, and participate in creative activities. Each meeting attended counts as 1 hour of community service.
Grades 8-12

Ultimate Super Smash Brothers Tournament

Register for this tournament HERE

Test your skills in our Super Smash Brothers Tournament!

This time we're playing on the Nintendo Switch!

Players and spectators must bring $10 to attend the tournament.

This tournament is a Teen Friends of the Library Fundraiser!  All proceeds go to the library continue to run cool events like this!

For teens 8th grade and up.

Pizza and snacks and drinks will be provided.

Prizes to the winner!