for Museum and Library Service Finalist


Negotiating With Colleges

Saturday, 3/2, 1:30– 3:30 PM

Available to Grades 9+ and parents

**High school seniors & their parents are strongly encouraged to attend**


Deferred or waitlisted? Accepted to the wrong major, semester, or campus? There’s hope!

Learn the right questions to ask colleges for every possible dollar and opportunity.

Hosted by Solution Prep of East Brunswick.



Discover a world of possibilities with Boundless, an extensive collection of ebooks, audio and digital media. Whether you’re an avid reader or someone who listens to audio at 2x speed, Boundless is your gateway to the best in digital content and programming.

Blender Workshop

Join TAG Volunteer Ben & learn how to create 3D models in Blender, a free 3D computer graphics program used in video games, movies and animations!

Students will be guided through the creation of simple objects including blocks, cups, and toy models. This is a two-day workshop.


Thursday, 4/11 & 4/18, 6-7 PM

Grades 5 - 12

Call 732.390.6789 to register