for Museum and Library Service Finalist

Computers & Technology

Intro to Spreadsheets with Excel (in-person)

Update your Resume: learn Excel skills.

This course will empower participants with the fundamentals to take more advanced classes.

Topics: How to Enter Data, Open and Save Files, and Interface Review. 

Prerequisite: know how to use a computer keyboard, and use a computer mouse including left and right clicking and double-clicking. Proficient in using email and internet searches.  

Registration: https://forms.gle/Y8vY4NbaJhghRpVt6

Earn While You Learn!

Middlesex College is creating apprenticeship opportunities in Advanced Manufacturing through a partnership in Career Advance USA, a U.S. Department of Labor funded grant. Apprenticeships, developed and implemented in collaboration with employers, are earn-and-learn programs that combine formal classroom learning with on-the-job training.

Scratch Coding Fun (Gr.3 + Zoom)

Scratch is a block-based computer programming language and it's a good starting point for kids to learn how to code.

Join us to learn the basics of MIT's Scratch Program and try out fun coding projects.

This 5-days online bootcamp is open to kids of 3-5th grade with no experience in Scratch.

Every weekday from August 15th to 19th 2:00-3:00 pm.  Limited registration!

You will learn the basics of Scratch and create a project each day.

Chess Club for Beginners (Gr.2+ Zoom)

An online Chess club for Beginners will be held with 8 Zoom meetings on every Thursday @ 4-5 p.m starting June 2nd,2022.

We will go through the curriculum from Chesskid.com, watching videos and solving puzzles.

This club is targeted to 2nd grader and above with no prior experience in playing chess.

After 8 meetings, participants should know the basic rules and tactics of playing chess.

If you are interested in joining, please fill out the registration form.