for Museum and Library Service Finalist

Computers & Technology

Learn Computer Skills at Home (drop-in event).

Join us for an in-person drop-in event. Stop by 11 am and 2 pm to learn about new offerings in tech classes at EBPL. 

EBPL Tech trainer will be distributing information about how to access high-quality tech training classes from home. Stop by to ask questions about these useful resources.


Behind the Information Desk.

Any questions contact Tech Trainer at ybombardiere@ebpl.org or call 732-390-6767 to leave a message. 



ABC's of Coding

The ABC's of Coding

Python is one of the most popular coding languages in the world, and it is one of the most easy and powerful languages to learn.

This program is for students currently in 6th and 7th grades.

This is a 3 part class, taught by a volunteer.  April 11-13 from 1-3 in the YS programming room.  Please bring a laptop.

You must be able to attend all 3 classes.  Class size is limited, so please let me know if you need to cancel your registration.  Email mwhittington@ebpl.org with questions.

Part 2: Intro to JavaScript with P5.js: Create More impactful Media Art Class #8

Continue learning by Creating with p5js.  Part 2 series will include more advanced JavaScript and p5js  concepts to create even More impactful media Art.

Catch up on all previous lessons here: https://youtu.be/sxdLPYyqXxQ

This series will attempt to cover the following concepts: Loops, Functions, Classes, and Arrays.

Class content is tentative and subject to change.

Audience: +15 years old. 

Online Chess Club for Beginners

An online  Chess club for Beginners will be held during Spring 2022.

8 meetings on every Thursday @ 4-5 p.m. from Mar. 3rd to Apr 21st .

We will go through the curriculum from Chesskids.com, watching videos and solving puzzles.

This club is targeted to school age kids with no prior experience in playing chess.

They will pick up the basic rules and strategies of playing chess.

If you are interested in joining, please fill out the registration form