for Museum and Library Service Finalist

Picture Book

The Panicosaurus: Managing Anxiety in Children, Including Those with Asperger Syndrome

Sometimes the Panicosaurus tricks Mabel's brain into panicking about certain challenges, such as walking past a big dog on the street or when her favourite teacher is not at school. With the help of Smartosaurus, who lets her know there is really nothing to be afraid of, Mabel discovers different ways to manage Panicosaurus, and defeat the challenges he creates for her.

The Invitation

One beautiful fall day, Fern opens her mailbox and finds an envelope. After much worrying about what it could possibly contain, her friend Fawn encourages her to open it. Inside, she finds an invitation to a super-special surprise at the museum -- but Ferndoesn't like surprises!


Mole is Not Alone

Mole is invited to a party, which is very worrisome. What if the party is too rowdy for Mole? What if Mole doesn't know anyone there? What if Mole is just too shy to make friends? Mole worries through the tunnels, around Snake's burrow, under the forest, past Bear's den, and all the way to Rabbit's door. But despite all those worries, maybe Mole can find a quiet way to make friends.

It's So Difficult

A school day can be so overwhelming: so many people, so many noises, so many things to remember. Grown-ups say it’ll get easier with time, but even saying hello is incredibly hard. Thank goodness for comforts like math, for anything that can relax a restless mind. Maybe this time a few words will come out at last…

An empathetic look at anxiety and overstimulation, It’s So Difficult follows a child throughout the challenging routines of a single day. Even the smallest step forward can be an enormous triumph.  

Maybe: A Mindfulness Tale Adapted From A Taoist Short Story

When a farmer's horse runs away, his neighbors call it the worst of news. "Maybe," says the wise farmer, in what will become the book's refrain as more unexpected events come his way. This delightful tale teaches that what seems bad might be good; what seems good might be bad; and in the end, all are essential, helpful experiences in our personal journeys of growth