for Museum and Library Service Finalist

Picture Book

Zach Stands Up

When Zach sees his friend Sonya being bullied at school, he doesn't know what to do or how to be an upstander. The kids who are being mean are popular--it's scary to think about getting involved. After talking with his brother and remembering what his teacher taught the class about bullying prevention, Zach creates a tool for being an upstander called the stand-up-to-bullying.

A Bully-Free Bus

A Bully-Free Bus follows a group of young characters from Niceville Elementary School who bully each other on Bus 21. Young readers will learn about physical and verbal bullying. They will see four examples of bullying and learn how to stand up for themselves and be upstanders for others. They will also learn when to report a situation to an adult and other key advice in order to make a Bully-Free Bus! 


Told from the bully's perspective, Sam doesn't feel she is bullying people, until she realizes that the others think she is mean.


Told from a bystander's perspective, Jayla sees that Luisa has become the class bully's new target, but she doesn't dare stand up to the bully for fear of being bullied.