Picture Book
Mouse Is Small
This charming and funny book about size reminds us that sometimes the biggest surprises come in the smallest packages.
Who Can Jump?
A kift-the-flap book to share with your baby.
Mouse Is Small
This charming and funny book about size reminds us that sometimes the biggest surprises come in the smallest packages.
Flower Garden
Garden in a shopping cart - Garden on a bus - Garden going up the stairs. What's next?
Who Is Sleeping?
Lift the flaps to say good night to all the creatures before drifting into slumber.
Duckie Duckling
Duckie is ready to take her family for a swim. But where are her ducklings? Turn the shaped pages to find out!
Hugs & Kisses for the Grouchy Ladybug
Even when you are grouchy you need hugs and kisses.
So Big!
Elmo from Sesame Srtreet is the star of this book. Using repetition and imitation the book ends with a triumphant finale in which parent and child answer the question "how big is the baby?" Sooooooo big!
Ten Tiny Tickles
Cuddle and laugh with this count and read book.