for Museum and Library Service Finalist


Pokémon Club

Join us for Pokémon card trading, trivia games, and more!

This program will be hosted by TAG volunteer Lilian. Available to Grades 3+

 Drop-ins welcome. Bring your Pokémon cards if you have them!

What to do When You Worry Too Much: A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety

An updated edition of the world-wide bestseller What to Do When You Worry Too Much, the second edition combines everything that worked so well in the original—the conversational tone, interactive elements, clear and actionable strategies—with new tools, new illustrations, and expert advice based on current understandings of anxiety. Lively metaphors and humorous illustrations make the concepts and strategies easy to understand, while clear how-to steps and prompts to draw and write help children learn new skills.

Mole is Not Alone

Mole is invited to a party, which is very worrisome. What if the party is too rowdy for Mole? What if Mole doesn't know anyone there? What if Mole is just too shy to make friends? Mole worries through the tunnels, around Snake's burrow, under the forest, past Bear's den, and all the way to Rabbit's door. But despite all those worries, maybe Mole can find a quiet way to make friends.

Anxiety Relief for Teens: Essential CBT Skills and Mindfulness Practices to Overcome Anxiety and Stress

Dr. Regine Galanti teaches you how CBT-based skills and mindfulness techniques can help you manage your anxiety and reverse negative patterns. Through simple and effective exercises that help you change your thoughts, behaviors, and physical reactions, this helpful guide gives you the tools you need to navigate all of life's challenges.