Told in two voices, Jeff stands by his teammate, Andi, who fights to get on the sixth-grade soccer team and then must face opponents who target her for being a girl.
for Museum and Library Service Finalist
Told in two voices, Jeff stands by his teammate, Andi, who fights to get on the sixth-grade soccer team and then must face opponents who target her for being a girl.
Nine-year-old Abby McAdams grapples with changes in her home life, her body, and her perspective on the world as she navigates fourth grade.
Saturday, February 1, 11:00am
Paint a decorative dish for spring. This program is for grades 3+. Registration required. Click here to register.
UPDATE: This program has been cancelled due to a scheduling conflict with the host. The new date for the program is Tuesday, April 1 from 4-6pm.
Decorate a sun catcher to catch the Spring rays! This program is for grades 4+. Registration is required. Click here to register.
Join us for a special hour exclusively for families with children, teens and young adults who experience sensory sensitivities, held before the library opens to the public.
Please click this link to register.
For any inquiries, please email Karen Geist, Accessibility Librarian
Sunday, February 2, 12:00pm
Come join us to create a 3D Hot Air Balloon Card.
Age 5+
A lot of people casually claim they have social anxiety. But what does that mean? Social anxiety is more than just being quiet or shy. It's a form of anxiety brought on by situations in which a person interacts with other people. People with social anxiety are so fearful of being judged by their peers that they may be unable to make friends or do the things they want to do. In this volume, readers learn some of the triggers of social anxiety and how they can seek help for this common condition.