for Museum and Library Service Finalist


My Life with Anxiety

Meet Skyler! She likes cheerleading and crafts. She also has anxiety. Skyler is real and so are her experiences. Learn about her life in this illustrated narrative nonfiction picture book for elementary students. Kids are naturally curious about differences. Skyler sheds light on her life, with the help of experienced children's author Mari Schuh. Skyler is not defined by her disorder, but she does some things differently than neurotypical people. Let Skyler tell you a little about her life. Colorful, realistic illustrations and a dyslexic-friendly font promote accessibility.

All Birds Have Anxiety

Life as a bird can be stressful! From worrying about airplanes, windows, and getting enough worms to eat, it is clear that birds can be anxious beings. Through a light-touch, quizzical depiction of bird behaviour,All Birds Have Anxiety uses colourful images and astute explanations to explore with gentle humour what it means to live with anxiety day-to-day, and how to begin to deal with it. 

It's So Difficult

A school day can be so overwhelming: so many people, so many noises, so many things to remember. Grown-ups say it’ll get easier with time, but even saying hello is incredibly hard. Thank goodness for comforts like math, for anything that can relax a restless mind. Maybe this time a few words will come out at last…

An empathetic look at anxiety and overstimulation, It’s So Difficult follows a child throughout the challenging routines of a single day. Even the smallest step forward can be an enormous triumph.  

What Are Phobias?

"Phobia" is a word that's thrown around a lot in everyday conversation, but it's often used incorrectly. A phobia is a strong, irrational fear of an object or a situation, one that often causes great anxiety. This sensitive and informative volume is a useful guide for readers who may be grappling with a phobia or who know someone who is. In the carefully researched explanations, they'll learn what may cause phobias, how they're diagnosed and treated, and the many people who can offer help and hope to those with phobias.

Mindfulness for Kids Who Worry: Calming Exercises to Overcome Anxiety

The power to make your worry go away is in your hands You're excited about your school project on the solar system but thinking about presenting it to the class makes you really nervous. Now, you can use mindfulness to stop those feelings from taking over. Mindfulness means paying attention to what's happening in your body, your head, and your environment. Learning the fun mindfulness skills in this book gives you the power to tackle your anxiety. 

Learn about NJ's Lead Remediation & Abatement Program

Meet with staff from Garden State Home in the library's lobby to learn about the dangers of lead poisoning and find out if your home may be eligible for free testing and treatment under the New Jersey Lead Remediation and Abatement Program (LRAP).

Lead-based paint hazards exist in most homes built prior to 1978 and can be especially harmful to children and pregnant women.