for Museum and Library Service Finalist


Social Anxiety Relief for Teens: a Step-by-Step CBT Guide to Feel Confident & Comfortable in Any Situation

Social anxiety is a serious-yet often overlooked-form of anxiety commonly experienced by teens. If left untreated, it can lead to a significantly increased risk of developing depression and even addiction in adulthood. In Social Anxiety Relief for Teens, Bridget Flynn Walker presents a five-step cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) program to help teens gain confidence and stop living in fear of social situations.

Help! I've Got an Alarm Bell Going Off in My Head!: How Panic, Anxiety and Stress Affect Your Body

Ever wondered what happens inside our bodies when we feel angry, nervous, stressed or anxious? This straightforward, illustrated guide explores just that, explaining what happens to the brain and nervous system when that alarm bell in our heads starts ringing. It describes how our bodies can become very sensitive and set off false alarms, and includes tips and activities to help you reduce feelings of anxiety and keep your nervous system healthy.

What is Anxiety?

Many students deal with feelings of overwhelming anxiety, both in and out of school. With anxiety disorders diagnosed in children more than ever before, it's essential to give young people an understanding of what anxiety is and how it can be treated. This book gives readers the tools they need to recognize anxiety and understand how it works, both in themselves and in others. Through accessible text and images, readers will gain a deep knowledge of the concept of anxiety and mental health, a valuable addition to any social and emotional learning curriculum as well as everyday life.

The teen girl's anxiety survival guide : 10 ways to conquer anxiety & feel your best

Teen girls are facing more pressure than ever before, putting them at greater risk for developing full-blown anxiety disorders. In this timely book, Lucie Hemmen, best-selling author of The Teen Girl's Survival Guide and an expert in adolescent girl psychology, offers ten powerful skills specifically designed to help teen girls cope with anxious thoughts and feelings in healthy ways.

What to do When You Don't Want to Be Apart: a Kid's Guide to Overcoming Separation Anxiety

This book addresses separation anxiety and introduces children and parents to cognitive-behavioral therapy-based strategies that can help them understand and cope with any type of separation anxiety.

Flying a hot air balloon sounds like a lot of fun to some children. But for other children, the idea of flying off on their own, away from their parents or homes, doesn’t sound like fun at all.

The Invitation

One beautiful fall day, Fern opens her mailbox and finds an envelope. After much worrying about what it could possibly contain, her friend Fawn encourages her to open it. Inside, she finds an invitation to a super-special surprise at the museum -- but Ferndoesn't like surprises!


What is a Panic Attack?

Panic attacks can strike at any time, making a student feel a strong physical response to stress and anxiety. This book helps readers understand what a panic attack is and how they can deal with such an attack if it arises. Readers will learn about the mental and physical symptoms of panic attacks, as well as various coping strategies. This book provides readers with the tools to get help for their panic attacks and ways to help others who might be suffering from panic disorder.